Reading List

[Under Construction]

Bornstein, D. (2007). How to change the world. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bradach, J. (2003). Going to scale. The challenge of replicating social programs. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring, 19-25.

Brest, P., Harvey, H., & Low, K. (2009). Calculated impact. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 7(1), 50-56.

Brown, J. F. (2009). Business schools have to change.  Retrieved March 10, 2010, from

Burns, C., Cottam, H., Vanstone, C., &Winhall, J. (2006). Transformation Design, RED PAPER 02 London: Design Council. Retrieved March 21, 2010, from

Centre for Social Innovation (nd) Social innovation. Retrieved March 16, 2010, from

Centre for Social Innovation New Zealand (nd). What is social innovation? Retrieved 16 March 2010, from

Chalmers, D. (2013). Social innovation: An exploration of the barriers faced by innovating organizations in the social economy, Local Economy, 28(1), 17-34. Abstract.

Christensen, C. M., Baumann, H., Ruggles, R., & Sadtler, T. M. (2006). Disruptive Innovation for Social Change. Harvard Business Review, 84(12), 94-101.

Christensen, C. M., Kirsch, V., & Syman, K. (2009, July 1). The White House Office on Social Innovation: A New Paradigm for Solving Social Problems. Retrieved March 12, 2010, from

Cooperrider, D. L., & Pasmore, W. A. (1991). Global Social Change: A New Agenda for Social Science? Human Relations, 44(10), 1037-1055.

Dees, J. G., Anderson, B. B., Wei-Skillern, J. (2002). Pathways to social impact: Strategies for scaling out successful social innovations. CASE Working Paper Series No. 3. Retrieved March 8, 2010, from

Dorsey, C., & Schmitz, P. (2010). Social innovation fund sends important signal to grant makers. Chronicle of Philanthropy, 22(5), 41.

Elkington, J., & Hartigan, P. (2008). The power of unreasonable people: How social entrepreneurs create markets that change the world. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Gardner, C. A., Acharya, T., & Yach, D. (2007). Technological And Social Innovation: A Unifying New Paradigm For Global Health. Health Aff, 26(4), 1052-1061.

Gerometta, J., Häussermann, H., & Longo, G. (2005). Social innovation and civil society in urban governance: Strategies for an inclusive city. Urban Studies (Routledge), 42(11), 2007-2021. doi:Article

Goldenberg, M., Kamoji, W., Orton, L., & Williamson, M. (2009). Social innovation in Canada: An update. Canadian Policy Research Networks. Retrieved 10 March 2010, from

Goldsmith, S., Georges, G., & Burke, T. G. (2010). The power of social innovation: How civic entrepreneurs ignite community networks for good. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Goldsmith, S. (2009). Political space for innovation. Governing. Retrieved 15 March 2010, from

Goldstein, J. A., & Hazy, J. K. (2008). Editorial: Complexity and the Generation of Social Value. Emergence: Complexity & Organization, 10(3), 112. doi:Article

Leadbeater, C. (2008). Understanding social innovation. Retrieved January, 11, 2009, from

Light, P. C. (2009). How President Obama Can Promote Social Innovation. Chronicle of Philanthropy, 21(7), 29.

Loseke, D. R. (2003). Thinking about social problems: An introduction to constructionist perspectives (2nd Edition). New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Marcy, R. T. & Mumford, M. D. (2007). Social Innovation: Enhancing Creative Performance Through Causal Analysis. Creativity Research Journal, 19(2), 123-140.

Maxwell, J. (2003). Innovation is a social process. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.  Retrieved March 19, 2010, from

Moore, M., & Westley, F. (2009). Surmountable chasms: The role of cross-scale interactions in social innovation. Working Paper 1. Social Innovation Generation, University of Waterloo.

Morino, M. (2009, April 16). The innovation imperative. Opinion Blog, SSIR. Retrieved March 14, 2010 from

Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F., González, S., & Swyngedouw, E. (2007). Introduction: Social innovation and governance in European cities. European Urban & Regional Studies, 14(3), 195-209.

Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F., Swyngedouw, E., & González, S. (2005). Towards alternative model(s) of local innovation. Urban Studies, 42(11), 1969.

Mulgan, G. (2010, March 03). Going global: Social innovation. Retrieved March 10, 2010, from The Guardian Web site:

Mulgan, G. (2009) – Post-crash, investing in a better world. TEDGlobal 2009 Conference. Retrieved March 15, 2010, from

Mulgan, G. (2006). The Process of Social Innovation. Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization, 1(2), 145-162.

Mulgan, G., Ali, R., Halkett, R., & Sanders, B. (2007). In and out of sync: The challenge of growing social innovations. National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts. Retrieved January 5, 2010, from

Mulgan, G., Tucker, S., Ali, R., & Sanders, B. (2007). Social innovation: What it is, why it matters and how it can be accelerated.  The Young Foundation. Retrieved 05 March 2010, from

Mumford, M. D. (2002). Social Innovation: Ten Cases From Benjamin Franklin. Creativity Research Journal, 14(2), 253-266.

Mumford, M. D., & Moertl, P. (2003). Cases of Social Innovation: Lessons From Two Innovations in the 20th Century. Creativity Research Journal, 15(2/3), 261.

Murray, R. (2009). Danger and opportunity: Crisis and the new social economy. The Young Foundation & NESTA. Retrieved March 11, 2010 from

Murray, R., Mulgan, G., Caulier-Grice, J. (n.d.). How to innovate: The tools for social innovation. The Young Foundation.  Retrieved February 2, 2010, from

Nilsson, W. O. (2003). Social innovation: An exploration of the literature. Retrieved January 11, 2009, from http://

Nussbaumer, J., & Moulaert, F. (2004). Integrated Area Development and social innovation in European cities. City, 8(2), 249-257.

Osborn, T. (2009). Toward commonality: Thoughts on diversity in a new era of change. National Civic Review, 98(3), 25-29.

Pearson, K. A. (2007). Accelerating our impact: Philanthropy, innovation and social change. The J.W.McConnell Family Foundation.  Retrieved 10 March 2010, from

Phills, J.A., Deiglmeier, K., & Miller, D.T. (2008). Rediscovering social innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 34-43.

Philia (? Date) Thinking like a movement: How to approach intractable social issues.  Retrieved May, 19, 2009 from

Pina e Cunha, M. & Campos e Cunha, R. (2003). The interplay of planned and emergent change in Cuba. International Business Review, 12(4), 445-459.

PLAN. (2008). Accelerating our impact. Retrieved December, 20, 2008, from

Pol, E., & Ville, S. (2009). Social innovation: Buzz word or enduring term? Journal of Socio-Economics, 38(6), 878-885.

Pot, F. & Vaas, F. (2008). Social innovation, the new challenge for Europe. International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management, 57(6), 468-473.

Richardson, L. (2009). A Review of “The Challenge of Social Innovation in Urban Revitalization, Paul Drewe, Juan-Luis Klein & Edward Hulsbergen (eds) Amsterdam: Techne Press, 2008, ISBN 978-90-8594-018-0”. European Journal of Housing Policy, 9(3), 357-359.

Samuelson, J. (2009). Toward sustainable change. BizEd, July/August, 30-35.

Saul, J. (2010). Social innovation inc: 5 strategies for driving business growth through social change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Seitanidi, M. M. (2008). Adaptive Responsibilities: Nonlinear Interactions in Cross Sector Social Partnerships. Emergence: Complexity & Organization, 10(3), 51-64.

Smyth, K. F. (2010). Focusing on what works: Federal fund’s approach makes a misstep.  Chronicle of Philanthropy, 22(5), 40.

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Sotaraunta, M. (2009). Socail innovations, institutional change and economic performance: Making sense of structural adjustment processes in industrial sectors, regions and societies. Regional Studies, 43(4), 637-638.

Stehle, V. (2009). Will the Social Innovation Fund Become a Beacon — or a Distraction? Chronicle of Philanthropy, 21(21), 37. doi:Article

Tapsell, P., & Woods, C. (2008). A Spiral of Innovation Framework for Social Entrepreneurship: Social Innovation at the Generational Divide in an Indigenous Context. Emergence: Complexity & Organization, 10(3), 25-34.

Tjornbo, O., Westley, F., & Riddell, D. (2010). The Great Bear Rainforest story. Case Study 3. Social Innovation Generation, University of Waterloo.

Westley, F. (1991). Bob Geldof and Live Aid: The affective side of global social innovation.  Human Relations, 44(10), 1011-1036.

Westley, F. (2008). The social innovation dynamic. Retrieved October 22, 2009,

Westley, F., & Antadze, N. (2009). Making a difference: Strategies for scaling social innovation for greater impact. Working Paper. Social Innovation Generation, University of Waterloo. Retrieved March 5, 2010 from,%20Antadze_Making%20a%20Difference.pdf

Westley, F., & Antadze, N. (2010). From total innovation to system change: The case of the Registered Disability Savings Plan, Canada. Working Paper. Social Innovation Generation, University of Waterloo.  Retrieved March 19, 2010, from,%20Antadze%20-%20RDSP%20Case%20Study_VMarch1502010.pdf

Westley, F., Zimmerman, B., & Patton, M. Q. (2006). Getting to maybe: How the world is changed. Toronto: Random House Canada.

Wolfe, S. E. (2009). A Social Innovation Framework for Water Demand Management Policy: Practitioners’ Capabilities, Capacity, Collaboration, and Commitment. Society & Natural Resources, 22(5), 474-483.

Young Foundation. (2009). Social innovation wins backing of President Obama and Barroso. Retrieved March 1, 2009, from

Young Foundation. (2009). Summer 2009 Update. Retrieved March 15, 2010 from

Young Foundation (2010). The open book of social innovation. Retrieved March 15, 2010 from

[Updated 13th November 2010]

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